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Fetal malformations are fetal abnormalities that appear when it is fetus, which may be due to chromosomal abnormalities, or morphological abnormalities of one or more organs.

However, doctors believe that pregnant mothers can completely screen, diagnose and detect fetal malformations early at important prenatal check-up milestones so that they can have appropriate monitoring and treatment.

**3 important prenatal check-up times to help pregnant mothers detect fetal defects:

Pregnancy from 11 to 13 weeks 6 days

For the most accurate results, ultrasound to measure nuchal translucency is often performed during this week of pregnancy. In the case of high nuchal translucency, the risk of chromosomal abnormalities or congenital malformations of the fetus is higher, sometimes diagnostic tests (eg: amniocentesis) are required.

In fact, in cases when the fetus has high nuchal translucency but in-depth tests have normal results and ultrasound screening for abnormalities does not detect morphological defects, the baby can be born completely with normal health.

Ultrasound can also detect some other abnormalities at this gestational age. In some cases, in-depth tests may be prescribed to confirm diagnosis such as: chorionic villus biopsy, amniocentesis…

Pregnancy from 20-23 weeks

At 20 – 23 weeks of gestation, the fetus is relatively large in size, internal organs have formed and clearly divided, so this is a very important milestone to detect morphological abnormalities.

The doctor will conduct screening of fetal structures such as facial structure, nervous system, cardiovascular system, abdominal organs, intestines, abdominal wall, urinary system, skeletal system and limbs.

Pregnancy from 30-32 weeks

Ultrasound of fetal morphology at this stage is mainly to evaluate fetal development, fetal position, amniotic fluid, placenta, umbilical cord…

In addition, ultrasound at this stage also detects some late fetal abnormalities, especially in the urinary system and fetal brain, so ultrasound in the last trimester is also extremely important.

So, mothers should save these important milestones and choose a reliable medical examination address for themselves. Because the effectiveness of the method of diagnosing fetal defects depends greatly on the level and analytical ability of the doctor and modern equipment.

* Pregnant mothers visit hospitals under Thai Nguyen International Hospital Joint Stock Company (TNH), with:

– A team of dedicated and experienced experts and doctors.

– Modern and synchronous equipment system.

– Staff guides and advises thoughtfully and enthusiastically.

– Thoughtful and detailed post-examination consultation.

– The examination process is simple and flexible, helping customers save time.

Hotline: 1900 8035

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Yen Binh Thai Nguyen General Hospital

Website: https://tnh.com.vn

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