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Odonto-stomatology, Otorhinolaryngology (E-N-T), Ophthalmology (Eye), Dermatology

I. General introduction:

The Interdisciplinary Department includes: Odonto-stomatology, Otorhinolaryngology (E-N-T), Ophthalmology (Eye), Dermatology, and has been operating since the hospital was established in December 2019.

*Odonto-stomatology Department: Examination, consultation, treatment, and surgery of diseases of the ear, nose, throat, head, and neck. Early detection and screening of ear, nose, throat, head, and neck cancers. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral and maxillofacial system for patients of all subjects: Health insurance, hospital fees, life insurance guarantees, etc.

– Disease prevention

– International cooperation, cooperation with major oral and maxillofacial hospitals in Hanoi such as Central Odonto-Stomatology Hospital, etc.

*Otorhinolaryngology (E-N-T) Department: Examination, consultation, treatment, surgery for diseases of the ear, nose, throat, head and neck. Early detection and screening of cancer of the ear, nose, throat, head and neck.

*Ophthalmology (Eye) Department: Examination, consultation, treatment, surgery for eye diseases. With a team of experienced doctors and physicians who are well-trained at leading ophthalmology units such as: Hanoi Medical University, Central Eye Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City Eye Hospital, Saigon Eye Hospital, etc. And they are people with good medical ethics and responsibility, always working for the benefit, safety and health of patients.

*Dermatology Department: Examine and treat dermatological diseases, provide health care and prevent skin diseases for patients.

II. Organizational structure:

Human resources: The total number of staff is currently 20, including 09 doctors and 11 nurses. The department’s professional staff are trained at prestigious universities and leading hospitals by domestic and foreign professors and doctors.

Department leaders: Head of Department:Specialist doctor level 1 Dam Phuong Thao

Group photo of the Interdisciplinary Department



– Staff: 01 doctor, 03 nurses.

    + Specialist doctor level 1 Nguyen Thi Hong Lan: Deputy Head of Department.

    + Nurse: Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao

    + Nurse:Vu Thi Ha

    + Nurse:Nguyen Thi Mai Chi

– The Eye Department has implemented the following techniques: Phaco surgery (Replacing the lens of the elderly), surgery to reconnect the broken tear duct due to trauma, connecting the lacrimal-nasal canal, surgery to cut the scleral-corneal trabeculectomy to treat glaucoma, treatment of eye injuries, surgery to graft pterygium with autologous conjunctival graft, surgery to ptosis, surgery to entropion, surgery to remove the eye and place an intraocular silicone ball.

– Treatment of many internal eye diseases: keratitis, corneal ulcers, retinal vein occlusion, optic neuritis, etc. Especially cosmetic surgeries in the eye area: Eyelid surgery, brow lift, eyelid crease surgery, cosmetic eyelid surgery, eyelid fat removal, eye slit enlargement, eye scar correction

– The department also constantly sends its staff to attend long-term and short-term training courses at major hospitals, participate in conferences and seminars to regularly update knowledge and training on professional expertise and medical ethics in order to apply new techniques to treatment and enhance their sense of responsibility in taking care of patients’ health, bringing more and more satisfaction to patients.

-In the future, the Eye Department of Yen Binh Thai Nguyen General Hospital will continue to promote the application of new and modern techniques such as: OCT retinal tomography, ultrasound, Laser treatment of angle-closure glaucoma, Laser treatment of posterior capsular opacification… And regularly cooperate with doctors of the Central Eye Hospital in the examination and treatment of patients when they come to the hospital. In order to meet the eye treatment needs of people in the area, saving money for people when they have to go to a far-away place for treatment.



1. General introduction

The ENT Department of the Interdisciplinary Department of Yen Binh General Hospital was established in 2019, currently has 14 inpatient beds with an actual capacity of up to 20 beds. Currently, the ENT Department consists of 3 Doctors and 5 Nurses. The team of experienced Doctors and Nurses are trained in-depth at prestigious training institutions such as: Hanoi Medical University, Central ENT Hospital, Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy, …

With qualified facilities and modern equipment and machinery to ensure the needs of examination, diagnosis and treatment for patients. Ouman ENT endoscopy system; 64-slice CT scanner system with 3D imaging for diagnosis and surgery of Ear – Mastoid bone and sinus diseases; MRI 1.5 TESLA magnetic resonance imaging system diagnoses tumors in the nasopharynx, hypopharynx, sinus abnormalities, cranial nerve VII, VIII pathology, and labyrinth reconstruction; Surgical support equipment: Karl-Stork surgical endoscopy system, HUMMER tissue scraper for sinus surgery, Plasma machine for tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, laryngeal microsurgery suspension endoscopy system, etc.

In particular, the Hospital’s E-N-T Department also has the regular and continuous coordination and support of leading experts in E-N-T surgery, neurosurgery, head and neck surgery to perform difficult and specialized surgeries.

Personnel information

– Doctors: 3 Doctors:

  1. Dao Duy Manh – Deputy Head of Interdisciplinary Department
  2. Specialist doctor level 1 Ha Thi Thuy
  3. Duong Duc Thanh

– Nurses: 5 Nurses:

Associate Degree in Nursing: Tong Thi Lien – Head Nurse of Interdisciplinary Department

Associate Degree in Nursing: Le Manh Trung

Associate Degree in Nursing: Chu Thi Trang Nhung

Associate Degree in Nursing: Hoang Thi Phuong

Associate Degree in Nursing: Duong Thi Huong

2. Functions and tasks

– Examination and consultation of E-N-T diseases. Early detection and screening of E-N-T and head and neck cancers.

– Inpatient and outpatient treatment of E-N-T diseases. Performing E-N-T procedures.

– Performing surgery for sinus, ear, mastoid, throat and larynx diseases.

– Periodic health check-ups, examination of occupational deafness.

3. Outstanding professional activities

– Middle ear orthopedic surgery with reconstruction of the ossicular chain: replacing the ossicular chain in the tympanic cavity through the ear canal using an endoscopic system such as replacing the incus, replacing the stapes, replacing all 3 ossicles with bioceramic implants

– Solving E-N-T emergencies such as: bleeding in the E-N-T, foreign body accidents in the ear, nose, throat, head, face and neck, E-N-T trauma.

4. Surgeries performed in the department

Surgery for E-N-T diseases from basic to advanced, with the participation and professional advice of PhD, Dr. Nguyen Tan Phong – Former Head of the Department of Otolaryngology, Central E-N-T Hospital. The main surgeries performed in the department include:

For Ears:

– Radical mastoidectomy – middle ear plastic surgery

– Open mastoidectomy – tympanic patch

– Endoscopic tympanic patch

– Radical mastoidectomy

– Middle ear plastic surgery without reconstruction of the ossicular chain

– Middle ear plastic surgery with reconstruction of the ossicular chain: replacing the ossicular chain in the tympanic cavity through the ear canal using an endoscopic system such as replacing the incus, replacing the stapes, replacing all 3 ossicles with bioceramic implants

– Endoscopic tympanic membrane ventilation tube placement

For the nose and sinuses:

– Endoscopic surgery to ligate/excise the sphenopalatine artery

– Endoscopic surgery to open the ethmoid, maxillary, frontal, and sphenoid sinuses

– Endoscopic surgery to drain/remove mucocele

– Endoscopic surgery to remove nasal polyps

– Surgery for odontogenic cysts/nasal floor cysts

– Orthognathic surgery, cutting the inferior turbinate

– Nasal septal surgery

For the throat and larynx:

– Endoscopic surgery to remove adenoids with Microdebrider (Hummer) (anesthesia)

– Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy with Plasma

– Surgery to remove uvular papillomas, papillomas in the pharynx, cysts in the hypopharynx – lingual fossa

– Uvulopalatine fossa pharyngeal plastic surgery (UPPP)

– Endoscopic microsurgery of the larynx to remove cysts/polyps/fibrous nodules/granulomas of the vocal cords using rigid and flexible endoscopes

– Endoscopic surgery to remove benign laryngeal tumors

– Surgery to treat paralysis of the laryngeal opening muscles bilateral

5. Examination techniques and procedures

– Rigid and flexible E-N-T Endoscopy

– Auditory function testing: audiometry, tympanometry, congenital hearing loss screening. Treatment and surgery for E-N-T diseases

– Performing specialized procedures: nasopharyngeal aerosol, tympanic membrane puncture, abscess puncture, biopsy of tumors in the E-N-T and head and neck area, proetz nasal suction, endoscopic nasal suction, ear medication, laryngeal injection, etc.


– E-N-T specialized examination table with 100% use of endoscopes

– Ear microsurgery drill, suction cutter (Hummer), Plasma machine



1. Staff: 02 doctors, 02 nurses.

    + Specialist doctor level 1 of Dentistry Dam Phuong Thao: Head of Department.

    + Doctor Le Thi Thanh: currently studying Specialist Doctor level 1 of Dentistry at Hanoi Medical University.

    + Nurse: Thai Nhat Linh.

    + Nurse: Ha Thi Giang.

2. Professional work:

Examination and treatment of oral diseases, health care and prevention of tooth decay for patients.

3. Outstanding technical services:

+ Tooth filling, tooth extraction, root canal treatment are covered by health insurance according to regulations.

+ Surgery to cut the lingual frenula, labial frenula for children with electric knife, quick recovery without hospitalization.

+ Surgery to remove impacted wisdom teeth, impacted teeth that are difficult to recover quickly.

+ Dental implant surgery to restore tooth loss without grinding the adjacent teeth.

+ Surgery to treat cases of jaw fractures due to accidents.

+ Dental crowns with various types of cosmetic porcelain teeth.

+ Fixed and removable teeth correction for cases of crooked, protruding, and underbite teeth.

– Group photo: not available (request support from the CTM department).



1. Personnel work: 01 doctor, 01 nurse.

+ Dermatology specialist: Tran Duc Quang

+ College nurse: Dinh Van Quyet

2. Professional work:

Perform examination and treatment of dermatological and venereal diseases, provide health care and prevent skin diseases for patients.

3. Common diseases treated at Yen Binh Thai Nguyen General Hospital

+ Atopic dermatitis

+ Allergic contact dermatitis

+ Urticaria

+ Fungal skin infections

+ Unspecified allergies

* Outstanding technical services:

+ Genital warts treatment.

+ Lumpy papules treatment.

+ Warts treatment.

+ Molluscum contagiosum treatment…

+ All treatment techniques are painless, bloodless, leave no scars, the skin recovers quickly, the skin is even-toned after treatment.

+ All techniques do not require hospitalization.

For consultation, please contact: Hotline 1900 8035