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  • Tiếng Việt
  • English



During pregnancy, a mother’s immune system is weakened, making her susceptible to diseases especially flu. It can make mothers confused and worried whether it will affect the fetus or not?

  • Complications of flu in the mother:

Flu virus not only makes the mother feel uncomfortable and tired, but also harms the fetus if it is not cared properly and strictly:

  • Most common complications: bronchitis, more severe is pneumonia.
  • Flu that occurs during the first trimester can cause birth defects in the fetus.
  • Flu of rubella virus can affect 70-80% of eye and neurological diseases in fetus.
  • In addition, if the flu is accompanied by fever at high degree, infection or poisoning caused by a virus, it can cause stillbirth and miscarriage.

  • Catching a cold during pregnancy, mother should notice:
  • ABSOLUTELY do not self-medicate.
  • Having balance diet with full of nutrition in order to increase resistance.
  • Living on moderation, get enough sleep and rest.
  • Taking warm shower.
  • Going to the hospital for a checkup and to be given the right treatment method.

*Pregnant mothers should take the influenza vaccine before and during pregnancy. Especially, mothers who are vaccinated during pregnancy can prevent influenza for babies.


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